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"How do we make ourselves beautiful"? Is the question that we may or may not be asking ourselves and others. Over the few days I have been researching different opinions about what people define as beauty. My summary to this question is that beauty is whatver you want it tob e, beauty can be the way someone smiles, dress, talk, interact with others, etc.How you define beauty is your own everyone isn't going to define it the same way.

In the article "Skin Deep"  by  Arthur Marwick  he talks about how he sees Beauty.  He goes on to say "To validate that statement we have to be rigorous in our definition of  beauty- a purely physical, biological quality-not rolling it up, as is so often done, with other desirable qualities such as charm, generosity, always being in the height of fashion, or sexual availability." From what I gathered from my Research Marwick believed that beauty is based on looks instead of "charm, generosity, sex, etc. 
"When one has a beautful wife one has no fine pigs. Why? Because the pigs instead of eating, spend all their time starring at her.- Arthur Marwick

Quotes of the day

Based on the Interview that I held with my sister I learned that looks aren't the other thing that matter. When asked "Does personality matter? Quickly answered "Yes of course Personality matters, you can't depend on looks forever. Eventually your going to get old and won't be able to rely on looks anymore."  
Summary of Interview 
The interview I withheld was a series of 15 questions asked by me and answered by my sister which I was interviewing. The questions that were asked during the interview was based off what her "Definition of Beauty" was. Some Examples of the questions that were asked are: "Do you think muscles are sexy?" Her answer "They are! I think it makes a guy more attractive." When asked if height and weight matter she said "Height definetly matters, especially because im short why would I want to date somone the same size as me." On to the important question in some eyes "Does scent matter? She quickly replied with no hesitation "If my man don't smell good he's getting the boot."
This imformation is from an Interview I held with my older sister. She was asked "What her definition of beautifu was? And what qualities matter when it comes to choosing a mate. 

Introductory Section

Cailiyah Phillips Per 4 Am Gov.

Beauty is Beautiful

"The ugly and deformed were judged to be guilty of the utmost villany although if a princess was pious then, however plain her facial features, she was decreed to be beautiful."

"For the women we have evidence about, there is a little doubt as to their beauty, little doubt that in any aera beauty."

Quotes from the Interview 
" This might sound a little cruel, but a guy who smells is a big NO NO thats so unacttractive to me"- Arrieiana Cowan 
"Someones Personality is so important because at the end of the day looks are going to fade away and thats all you will be left with" -Arrieiana Cowan 
"In 1991 Alison Weir wrote of Anne Boelyn that, while 'not pretty", she had ' That indefinable quality, sex appeal' (though Boelyn's one aunthenticated portrait is so austere as to make any final conclusion impossible.) ( December 2004; History Today Page 21)
" Georgiana, Dutchess of Devonshire was described by Amanda Foreman as 'not a conventional beauty'- and a previous biographer, Brian Mastes, had called her 'not especially beautiful in the classical sense." (December 2004; History Today Page 21)
"Socrates said when asked " What is beauty? Hippaus replied, with  an impressively modern ring, A beautiful young lady is beauty"
"David de Flurance Rivoult in "Eart d' eubellier (1608) dennounced "the beauty which rules over our affections, dominates our will and enslaves our liberty, causing unbelievable desires excesses of passion and fires of sensuality." (December 2004 History Today Page 23)

Works Consulted: 

Marwick, Arthur. "Skin Deep"

History Today; Issue December 2004 

Cowan, Arrieiana "Interview questions" September 2016

"What do you look for in a person?
Answer: Looks someone with a great personslity, some who shares the same interest, someone who's funny, someone who's care.
"Is power attractive" 
Answer: Power is attractive both yes, and no power is attractive sometimes, at the right time, but too much power isn't attractive
"Is popularity attractive? Why or why not
Answer: Popularity is not attractive at all, I dont care about it, if''ve been with people who were so called "losers"
"Does height and weight matter? Why or Why not?
Answer: Height defiently matters any guy I date has to be at least 6feet but weight definetly doesn't matter. 
"Does culture matter?" Why or Why not
Answer: Culture definetly doesn't matter. 
"Does skin matter. Why or Why not 
Answer: Skin matters but it's not like "On I'm going to break things off because your skin's fucked up." Everyone's skin a little messed up.
"What is your type?"
Answer: My type is a tall guy, attractvive,confident, has a great peronality, loves me for me.
"Does the way a person dress matter? 
Answer: No the way someone dresses doesn't matter people express themselves differently. 
"Do you consider someone who wears makeup beautiful"
Answer:  Yes I consider someone who wears makeup beautiful because makeup can only enhance someones looks. 
"Does plastic surgery matter?"
Answer: No plastic surgery doesn't matter if thats what they want to do and it makes them happy.  
"Does the way someone dace paly aprt in you choosing a mate"?
Answer: Lol yes, if someone cant dance then we cant be together.
"Does masclunity of feminity play apart in you, choosing your mate."
Answer: Well of curse we all want to be with someone who's masculine instead of someones who's feminine. 
"Ares muscles sexy to you? 
Answer: Yes muscles are so sexy to me it shows a woman who works hard. And isn't scared to show off a little muscles  or skin.
"Does scent in a guy matter?
Answer: Hell yeah scent matters, I  dont want to be with no guy who smells bad how does that ake me look?
"What is your definition of beautiful?" 
Answer: My definition of beautiful is someone who's confident in their own skin as well as someone who has a great personality and knows how to love being beautiful isnt always about the outide but more importanty the inside.

Interview Questions

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